Living Libraries with Seadog Theatre

As part of Living Libraries, we brought in artists from Seadog Theatre to find a creative response to our oral history interview material. The aim was to inventively engage the general public with the themes and content of the research. Seadog Theatre conceived an interactive installation, with a series of exhibits and live events, to tour public libraries over April and May 2020. Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted their plans. Instead, Seadog are sharing some of their work-in-progress here.

Libraries of the past

This installation area was designed to be an opportunity for people to relax and reflect on their own memories of libraries. The audio soundtrack comprises collaged voices from the research interviews overlaid with a soundscape of library sounds.

Put on your headphones, press play, and imagine you’re back in the library of childhood memory…

These images, taken from designer Ele's workbooks, give an insight into what the exhibit itself would have looked like. You can see sketched and written ideas, 'mood boards' that pull together inspirations and references, and refined drawings of the physical look of the exhibit. Why not have a browse while you listen?

All images: Ele Slade.

Libraries of the future

Safe spaces where people can talk.
Places for people to come together.
Conversations about who we are.

We asked people to imagine their ideal library, and to think about what the future might hold for public libraries. This is what they told us.

What would your dream library be like?

All images: Ele Slade.